Year: 2017
Area: 26,914.58 sqm
Floors: 4
Type: Mixed use
Location: Jundiaí/SP
Area: 26,914.58 sqm
Floors: 4
Type: Mixed use
Location: Jundiaí/SP
The project is an architectural proposal that seeks to explore local opportunities and build a sustainable space for the neighborhood, with the scale to meet the needs of the city. The idea is to unify different facilities, such as a shopping center, hotel, offices, university, and hospital, with public use facilities such as community gardens, open gardens, and squares to contribute to the development of the neighborhood and improve the local quality of life.
To make this program feasible, part of the land will be occupied by existing sheds that will be adapted and requalified to explore their qualities. The other new buildings, such as the hospital and convention center, require a dedicated structural complexity and will be built in a new space on the land. The different nuclei of the project are connected by walkways, leaving the ground floor free for people to walk and interact, complemented by shops and entertainment.
The architecture of the project is concerned with seeking synergies between different facilities, such as the hospital and university, to create a research hub focused on health. The proposal for a hotel with a convention center and commercial offices reinforces the use by professionals in the sector, promoting local development. The architecture of this mixed-use project is an example of how urban planning can contribute to improving people’s quality of life and promoting local development.
The architecture of the project is concerned with seeking synergies between different facilities, such as the hospital and university, to create a research hub focused on health. The proposal for a hotel with a convention center and commercial offices reinforces the use by professionals in the sector, promoting local development. The architecture of this mixed-use project is an example of how urban planning can contribute to improving people’s quality of life and promoting local development.
The adaptation and requalification of existing sheds to explore their qualities is an intelligent and sustainable strategy for reusing urban spaces, avoiding the demolition and construction of new buildings. The connection of different project nuclei by walkways is an architectural solution that values public space and encourages social interaction. By leaving the ground floor free for walking and interaction, the architecture creates a space for meeting and interaction, complemented by shops and entertainment, which reinforces the neighborhood’s vocation as a center of commerce and services.
The search for synergies between different project facilities, such as the hospital and university, shows how architecture can contribute to local development and the creation of a research hub focused on health. The mixed-use of facilities, such as the hotel with a convention center and commercial offices, also reinforces the architecture’s ability to adapt to users’ needs and promote local development.
The search for synergies between different project facilities, such as the hospital and university, shows how architecture can contribute to local development and the creation of a research hub focused on health. The mixed-use of facilities, such as the hotel with a convention center and commercial offices, also reinforces the architecture’s ability to adapt to users’ needs and promote local development.
Project Location
- Address.: Jundiaí/SP– Brasil