BIM Family: Collaborative Platform with Hundreds of Free Downloading BIM Families

by Romullo Baratto


The gradual shift from CAD to BIM in architectural offices around the world, and particularly in Brazil, brings with it a number of benefits to the design process, from reducing the time spent on each job to the ease of matching the different projects.

However, for these benefits to be fully exploited, BIM families must meet the design requirements. To facilitate the search process for this type of content, the BIM Family online platform offers over 800 families for free download by registering on the website.

The hundreds of families available have been designed by website organizers or submitted by other users, making this a collaborative platform. In addition, the website also brings together families suggested by owners of other portals or manufacturers of public domain families and products available on the Internet.

According to the organizers, the purpose of the platform is to make available “to architects, engineers, decorators, students and other professionals related to these areas, a large library of families ready for free download, always updated, as well as the periodic expansion of the number of Families made available for download. ”


Sign up for the BIM Family and download the right families for your projects.


Available in: Accessed in: 10/29/2019.